My name is Chrissy and I'm so glad you stopped by. I'm a Mom, wife, writer, picture taker, and World changer. I live in the Central Valley of California with my husband Michael, and our two sons, Greyson and Parker. I am brave, honest, real and I never ever give up. Knowing that I can’t change the fact my sons have autism, I decided that I would just change the world instead, relentlessly photographing life and sharing our story while hoping there’s as much good in the world as I see in my two boys.

Where I started writing...
Where we are now. Parker is now10, and Greyson is 12, (yet I have not aged at all!)
I hope my stories and pictures make you laugh out loud, cry tears of sadness and joy, and most importantly- feel. I want you to realize that life can still be amazing despite any life circumstances that you may not have chosen.
Sometimes I share about autism, learning and connecting more and more as I go. I also love reading, exercising/wellness, makeup, watching trashy TV, and eating, preferably food that other people cooked, and seeking out authentic connections.
Ours is a story of hope and optimism. It is my welcomed responsibility to raise awareness for autism everywhere. That's one of my goals in writing this blog. The more the world knows- the easier life will be for my boys and everyone labeled different... Along the way you may realize, even if you don't have children with autism that you can still relate, simply because you are alive.
This is our family's journey. I'm delighted and proud to share it with you.
Find me on Facebook... or send me an email at
This is our family's journey. I'm delighted and proud to share it with you.
Find me on Facebook... or send me an email at