I thought Christmas was only fun for little kids. Boy, was I wrong. We just celebrated your very first Christmas and it made me realize that Christmas is even more fun for Mom and Dad. Since you are only 6 months, you don't "get it" yet. That will probably take another year or two. Still, the joy of buying you gifts and watching you open them (in this case "open" means holding and licking the wrapping paper) was tangible for both Dad and I. We made Christmas videos for our family far away. They sure missed you. The rest of the holiday has involved some returning, some shopping, walking to the pier to check out the Christmas tree, some eating and lots of naps. We are again trying to teach you to be able to fall asleep on your own. It involves putting you in your crib tired, but not alseep and letting you "cry it out" or self soothe. I don't love that part of parenting, but I know it's for the best for you.
It is the most wonderful time of the year. Just because it's a cliche, doesn't mean it isn't true.
All my Love,
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