Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Ahhhhh....Golden-y silence... This is one of my favorite moments of the day... Grateful for my alone time... Greyson's breathing is slow and steady next to me...reminding me to slow mine down... 

In and out.... In and out... in and out... 

Although he is asleep, he randomly twitches...his last bits of energy from the day leaking out... I love him as if my very Life depended on it- reminding me of poet, Mary Oliver's words...

To live in this world, you must be able to do three things:
to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones
knowing your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go. {mary oliver}

I gather all my thoughts that accumulated throughout the day and I sift through them, looking for any little bits of gold...Nighttime brings with it a process of unwinding... as I try to fall asleep I visualize my mind being wiped clean of thoughts with a black Dry erase board eraser... 

I'm so tired... There are some days that all I think about is how great it will be to finally go to bed...sometimes from the moment Parker wakes me up around 6:30am... 

And the second I am finally allowed to hit the hay, I always get a second wind...I get alone time and suddenly there are million things I want to do... want to...not need to...and I'm like a kid with no's energizing... I want to watch TV and read books...and catch up on DVR'd shows and write...edit pictures and eat snacks...text with friends... and think... and then not think and just listen to the quiet... 

I'd probably make a lot more sense if I blogged at  4 pm...because by this time of night I'm all- Did you buy breakfast at the battery store? to Michael and he says- Did I do what? And I say, I SAID- Did you buy batteries at Rite Aid today? thinking that's what I said all along and he really needs to start paying better attention to me when I am talking...Sheesh...

Sometimes I get pissed about funny things... 

Pissed I don't have a cleaning lady...pissed my husband travels...pissed I have a headache...Pissed that I'm 39 but I feel like I'm only 25...or 58 - depending on the time of day you ask me... 

Today my day's theme was insanely grateful...Grateful for Life and it's wondrous lessons... 

Insanely grateful...

Today I learned about Life from Jack the Dog... On a whim I decided to take Jack with me to drop Greyson off for school this morning...  He's ears stood out from the dancing wind...

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His part Beagle nose smelled every smell he could possibly locate in a 200 mile radius......Doggy dude was high on Life...And I sat there all smug-like for causing this bountiful display of happy...

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I haven't taken Jack in the car since who knows when... Do you think Jack spent one moment of his joyride being pissed about anything?  

Thinking- Wow- it's so gorgeous out...too bad I rarely get to experience it like this though...I never get to go on walks... I bet there are other dogs that ride in the car every day...It's just not fair... 

No sir...every ounce of him was ONLY thinking- I'm in the car!!! I'm in the car!!! I'm in the car!!!

Jack reminds me to live for the moment.

Jack made me remember how much I enjoyed being in the car when I was a teenager...wind whipping through my hair...7-11 Big Gulp in between my blaring... Happy to drive to destination no where... Jack made me long to rediscover that feeling of joy... 

So today I followed Jack's suit... I rolled down the window and soaked up the 60 degree sun... God lobbed me a softball when the Bee Gees came on...I turned them up until it was blaring and I sang along... 

Night fever, Night fever... We know how to do it.... 
Gimme that Night Fever Night Fever...we know how to show it...

Today I soaked up my alone time with Parker...We went for some exercise...

Did a little shopping together...

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He doesn't like shopping too much yet... I'll have to work on that one...

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And tonight we took Dad to meet our duck friends...

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Jack doesn't need to teach Greyson squat about experiencing real joy...

Boy does he make me smile... Sometimes he sees things that I can't...

It must be fan-fricking-tastic...

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Life is so much bigger than the day to day things we think about my Friend... Keep that one in mind just for today...

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Insanely Grateful...

If you haven't already... Like Life with Greyson + Parker on Facebook...we would be insanely grateful...

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