Wednesday, March 6, 2013

hump day

Today's crumbling came to a head on my morning run with Doodle...

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Parker was not taking responsibility for creating his own happy...Since he is only 23 months luckily we still have some time to work on that one... Parker crying is not a rare occurrence during our walks- but today it got to me. It especially got to me because my headphones were broken and I had to listen to the crying. I think it's good for children to learn that crying doesn't get you out of doing things you don't want to do- but today I already had a tough morning and was looking for excuses to be mad.

Michael was gone 12 days in February. So far we are 6 days into March and tonight is already night 3. Yes, this is me feeling woefully sorry for myself...Single parents- I am giving you an award right now, and the rest of us are clapping and saying- I don't know how you do it... But you just do it because sometimes you just have to do what other people have no idea how you do because you just have no choice...Understand? Good... 

Wednesday Greyson has Speech Therapy- which is always the highlight of my day. I love to watch him unfold, connect and play. 

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Many kids on the Spectrum like to spin and/or watch things spin... This toy is one of Greyson's favorites... See- this is the wonder and awe woven throughout learning that is key...Greyson works hard when he is rewarded for it...

If you are a Speech Therapist or a Mom or Dad and have questions about Speech Therapy for Spectrum kids- message The Talk Team...they are happy to help Change the World too...

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I love my alone time with Greyson during Speech on Wednesdays. Afterwards we went to Jamba Juice-- I think it's safe to say it's our new weekly ritual. I also think it's safe to say he was happy to be there...

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It's so funny my little silent jumper...just jumping and flapping his hands...people can't help but giggle when they see his unfiltered joy...

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Somehow I convinced myself I didn't need to leave during the bewitching hours this evening. I thought I was too cold and just too tired. Sometimes I feel like I'm always too tired....

Dear future self: From 5-7 you are never too anything to leave the house. You are always just right to leave. Period. Please leave. Next time you must leave... Amen.
PS- Do not stay home next time.

It started out alright...

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And quickly went down hill...

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Every time this truck comes unattached from the trailer Parker instantly melts down. He cries like he got hurt- and it scares the junk out of me...

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Every single time...

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A Typical kid thing to do would be to bring the toy to Mom or Dad to fix before going nuts...At first Parker would just lay on the ground and cry holding the two parts...Now Parker at least knows he can bring it to me to fix it- but he still goes nuts...  Doodle currently knows signs for more and open... I couldn't remember the sign for help- so I looked it up in an attempt to change this current exchange into something more productive...

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Oh yes, now I's a little advanced...I can barely remember how to do it..So, how to fix this...I can take the truck off the trailer throughout the day until it no longer makes Parker so upset...or- I know! Teacher Amber I'll bring the truck in to Speech Therapy on Friday and maybe we can come up with a solution.

I even braved dinner with the bitties...

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Dear God, please help me from going apeshit in the next hour or so. And thank you for this food. And please forgive me for saying apeshit. Amen

And at 6:33- which meant I still had approximately the equivalent of 17 hours human time left of the bewitching hours- Michael texts, It's almost bedtime. Hang in there! 


I know babe- you meant well...We miss you..

But finally...I made it... We all did... Well done you...

I'm not gonna lie...I'm thrilled today is over...I'd be jumping up and down like Greyson if I had any energy...

Good night Friends... 

Come say hello...And don't forget to tell your Friends about this joint...


  1. Maybe Crazy glue that truck and trailor together?

  2. Apeshit. Great word. So underused. Maybe it will be my new word.

  3. At 6:33? That is my memory verse for the week! Too ironic not to share...
    Seek FIRST the kingdom of heaven and all his righteousness and these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
    Crazy glue is a great idea!

  4. Sometimes the hours between 4pm and bedtime seem like 3 days. I'm with ya sister!

  5. This is the sign my kids use/d for help: shaking a thumbs-up up and down...kinda like you're hailing a cab :) Help can not be a 2 handed sign since whatever little ones need help with is always in the other hand. Hope it works for Parker too! Good luck! Single-parenting + bewitching hour = insanity equation I know well with a traveling hubbie too. Sending you lots of Survivormom vibes! (
