Sunday, December 23, 2018

the quest for holidays

In the hustle of the December twenty-somethings, I am left feeling a sudden moment of clarity. One that I want to pass along to you my friend. In this moment I remember that true holidays are about connections with other souls. These moments don't even have to be aligned with a specific date on the calendar. They are about recharging. They are about getting quiet and remembering what it is you live for. Because so often- life gets in the way of living.

(Partial clarity provided by time just spent drinking spicy beers and time with my friend Wendy. Her soul gets mine like no other. She feels like home.)

Paying bills, vacuuming, regret, anger, jealously, errands, disappointment, perfectionism- I don't live for.  No sir ee. Not quite sure why they get so much of my daily focus though. Perspective can be a hard thing to come by some days.

Connecting with like minded souls, being vulnerable and authentic, telling the truth, learning new things, stretching outside of my zone of comfort, advocacy and world changing- These are the things I live for.  These things refuel me.

Lately, whenever I find myself stretched due to a life circumstance so far I think a muscle will tear- I thank God and the Universe. Truly. It feels counter-intuitive at first. But really- these are the moments where we learn the lessons we are meant to learn to be who we are meant to be. I'm so grateful for perspective. Practice it- "Thank you God for this opportunity to..."

At first I want to tell myself to shut up. Sometimes I actually do. But most often, when the initial fear or pain wears off I realize- yes, this too is a gift. Not all gifts come wrapped in pretty paper.

So, if you haven't started shopping yet, or haven't wrapped a thing... remember what matters most to you in life. Chances are you have everything you need right now, and don't even know it.

So much love,

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