As I type I take a moment to pause and remember that the 4th is about Independence...not only when The Declaration of was signed in 1776, but today, 236 years later... Independence and Freedom were born from the same Mother. Thank you to our Troops that keep us Independent...and thank you to their families for loaning your most prized possessions out to us.

Children are constantly growing...seeking out more and more Independence along the way... And it's our role to decipher how much freedom we can and should dole out appropriately...allowing room for growth and self-sufficiency...but not too much. And it all depends on a blend of age and experience and current level of self-help skills, and environment, choices and personality. It's not always easy to let go... Sometimes it's even nice to be needed.
When I first brought home my bundles of blue, I was scared by how Dependant they were on me. It can be intimidating to be needed for absolutely everything. At night I would check to see if they were breathing...
Momming...the first job I had that was 24 hours a day. With it has come a certain loss of Freedom... And I'm telling the truth when I say that I wouldn't have it any other way.
He is gaining so much Independence...and it makes me happy and nostalgic all at once...

But he still holds on to our one little the pool and while he's walking... And it makes me feel so darn happy to be needed like that... That one little finger gives him all the safety and security in the World. I can't believe I have a finger that powerful.

Our 4th was low-key... We had plans to go away, but at the last minute unfortunately had to cancel because we couldn't find anyone to watch our dogs. Funny-right?! Even after 2 real babies, our dogs, Jack and Belle, are still very much part of our family.

My new favorite snack....Makes me feel fancier than I am...I can't cook worth a darn- but I can assemble...inspired by an appetizer we ordered last night. Sliced baguette, slice of brie, thinly sliced apple or pear...put it in the oven for 5 minutes at 300 degrees...remove, drizzle with honey...EAT.

I've made a few CHANGES to the blog... I had a few requests for a "Blog Button" for other Bloggers to add to their blog. (THANK YOU!!!) And a special Thank you to Jarka in Slovakia- who totally helped make that happen. I didn't even know what the heck a Blog Button was. Also, at the bottom of the screen there's a drop down menu. Blogger will translate these words into any language you choose- for my friends reading all over the World. It does it in just a few seconds. So crazy!
Have a GREAT Thursday! Resist Nothing...
What great pictures of Parker! He's a water baby for sure!
ReplyDeleteI tried to learn how to make a blog button, but found I wasn't smart enough apparently! Or gave up too easily! :)
Chrissy I will watch your dogs next time you go out of town! That makes me sad to hear you missed a always have a dog sitter in this Ga Ga CHIC girl! -Erin :)
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU!!!! Just when I thought you couldn't get any cuter!!!! I just might take you up on that!!!
DeleteThe finger......never thought of it like that! It actually made me tear up. I love how much Matthew needs me and always wants to be held. My good friend lent me her Ergo Baby and its pure heaven. I wore him all through West County Mall yesterday.