Monday, November 19, 2012

good at the holidays

This morning I was a giddy-insane, list writing fool... Oh the Joy I feel when I need to write a list- and I find a pen and paper-- all at the same time, Friend. Bliss...And then I rewrote my lists so they would look pretty and didn't have scratch offs  mistakes on them. I was so proud of me.


Next time I will even bring the lists with me to the stores and they will serve even more purpose in my life.


Today we all went to Target- to buy everything on our list plus tens of hundreds of dollars worth of stuff not on the list --but ONLY because I had no clue how many things I desperately needed--some of them I didn't even know existed before today.


Peppermint Bark Chex Mix!!??? How have these not existed before?! STAY AWAY from them- they are that good. I am currently covered in toe to head powder sugar and smell like a candy cane as I type away right now.

Oh Target- you had me at Merlot.

Before Life gets crazy like it does around the Holidays-- I want you to stop and take a deep breath right now...It's happening...the frenzy...the I have to have everything perfect and ready for {Thanksgiving/Christmas/stuffing/stockings/egg nog/Teacher gift/black Friday/dog gift/Christmas party/Our tree/the lights/bows/wrapping paper/little crunchy onion thingies/peppermint bark chex mix} and so on and so on and so on...

Oh friend- it's so easy to so so easy to forget and so hard to remember...

None of that matters at all...It really doesn't. It't not supposed to be the starring role in the Holidays...But we trick ourselves into acting like that is what it's all about...
And we judge...ourselves and others...

Why are they going so gung ho with their dumb Elf on the shelf? Why do the neighbors have their lights up already? Gosh- it's not even Thanksgiving?
Because that makes us feel behind in a race that isn't real... So you can stop running.

Maybe you're like me- and who knows when you'll get it together enough to get the lights up- and that's OK... Instead of being annoyed by the neighbors lights-- let's just all enjoy them. We could all use a little more light in our World...

And if you are the type that poops Candy Canes this time of year- and it isn't 2 parts chore 2 parts enjoyment for you? That's awesome too... That means you are good at the Holidays and the World needs people like you too.

I'm mostly talking to people like me- people that aren't innately good at the Holidays -but so wish we were --so we try like crazy and end up focusing on the things that just don't matter at all --so it can all be just perfect....and it never is...


Come to LifewithGreyson to remember the you that you were meant to be all along...

It made me think about the perfect Christmas Card photograph I want but probably won't get this year... And honestly- THIS should be our card- because it is the truth...


Thank you random lady at Target for taking this picture...I almost gave her a sticker to Life with Greyson- but I didn't want to confirm her suspicions that I am in fact crazy.
Have a wonderful day...
Much love- Chrissy

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