Lately, the movie theater parking lots have been packed. The World loves movies. We love movies...Movies transcend boundaries...
We love stories, We crave them... And they don't have to mimic Mary Poppins for us to love them... But they gotta make us feel... We crave feeling as much as breathing... Some people try to push those feelings away... It's OK to need to feel... In fact, it's a beautiful thing.
We love movies because by the end- the entire World is put right...
If our life was a movie, Greyson would be talking after one hour and 54 minutes...
Parker would in fact, NOT have super powers but we would FOR SURE think he did for the first 1 hour and 50 minutes and then BOOM... In a climatic whirl of an ending, he would turn out to be completely and fully Typical... and we would be watching-- on the edge of our seats with tears streaming down our face... and I would have come to grips with the true meaning of Life...that it was hard...but it was brilliant...and it could only be both or neither...
And I would have Changed the World in an instant...
One hour and 54 minutes...Infertility is resolved...divorced is settled...The overweight get skinny, the sick are healed... True Love is discovered.... and people always made the right choices and pick the right path...
No wonder we love movies so much... Because real Life isn't fixed in one hour and 54 minutes...Real Life is slow...and painful at times... and painfully slow at times too... Real life has many many days and moments of boring...of hard... of confusion and sad...It can be grueling... It's not glamorous.... Real people don't always make the right choices or wear cute clothes and have good hair. The bad guys don't always get it in the end and the good guys don't always win...
Or do they? I think they do...I think you're a good guy and the fact that you are helping me change the world by sharing this blog...means the whole wide world to me and my whole family...
Christmas was really good... We missed my family in Missouri- but we got to talk to them on the phone and open lots of care packages and gifts. Thank goodness for Facetime and phones and texting- which helps keep us all glued together. I am so grateful for my loving and supportive Family.
I am also so insanely grateful for the friends we have made here that have adopted us and made us feel like family... I didn't feel lonely at all this Christmas...

Doodle's favorite toy...

We had fun playing with our toys...

Grey's favorite... a flying helicopter... Watching him watch it is my favorite gift... (OK that and my Macbook pro from Santa Michael... )

We watched movies...
And cuddled...

Because we are crazy about happily ever after...
We believe in happily ever after still... and if we do--then you can too...
So much Love,
Wonderful post, I will always believe in Happily Ever After ♥