Focus on you blessings
Focus on your blessings...
Don't look at what isn't... In your home, your marriage, your body, your job, your children and your Life...
Focus on what is...what you have... what you can do...
I want to shed a light on Autism.

And because you are here reading this...I am...
Thank you... Please help me share these words... Share this blog and Like our Facebook page...
Embrace your takes so much energy to fight it... Wrap your arms around it and accept every little aspect of today... Yes, even the not so stellar aspects... Love 'em just the same as if they were chosen just for you... because they were.
Sometimes there is so much beauty in pain...
Collect yesterdays with the people you love the most in the World...

The school of hard knocks often teaches us new lessons...we are always learning...learning how to to adapt... How to roll with the punches and how to survive.
When was the last time you learned...purely for fun?
Saturday I taught my first ever photography class and I'm so proud of the beautiful woman that came and chose to learn something new - something good...something on purpose and something fun... They chose to feel that flutter of excitement and that fear of insecurity.
And as I told my amazing students- the key to taking good pictures-- is taking lots and lots and lots of bad pictures too.
Don't be afraid to fail...FREQUENTLY...
Parker Dad and Grey were at home upstairs during the class. They would have left but Doodle takes a morning nap and is insanely grumpy without it. Michael was given strict orders to pretend like I was NOT AT HOME... We were getting ready to go outside to use our new skills, and suddenly I see a golden little head bobbing down the stairs... He wanted to see what was going on... And for a quick moment- he was overwhelmed by the people...but he quickly warmed up when he realized he was allowed to go outside...
I told them- Feel free to take Grey's picture... He probably won't look at you- but feel free to call his name. It's GREAT therapy for him...

It was absolutely the greatest day...
Do yourself a favor... Take off your training wheels...Learn something new... ________________________________________
Nothing like a little poo in your eyes to ruin your Sunday...

Saturday night in an instant- Grey came down with Pink Eye...
After a trip to Urgent Care first thing early this morning he's already so much better...We found ways to entertain ourselves at home while we healed...

Today I will practice ENOUGH.
I am terrible at Enough- so I must practice...
Skinny enough, funny enough, happy enough, talented enough, cooking enough, Mom'ing enough, doing enough, saying enough, pretty enough, smart enough, giving enough, believing enough, mindful enough...
Enough enough.
Let's practice together?
Thank you so much for sharing your passion, joy, and wisdom with us. I, too, am practicing enough...except when it comes to taking pictures.