We all need easy tips on how to live our own special brand of good Life...
I was walking with a Friend this morning and we were talking about the importance of having a well-rounded Life...She said that all our priorities in Life have their own box- and in order to find any true form of happiness we needed to make sure all of our boxes were full.
Wow...Full...Not just a deposit here and there- but full...It makes sense though. There is no even-ing things out by overcompensating in another area.
Realizing Greyson was Autistic was a wake up call to me...I quickly realized that in order to be happy- I needed to put my focus into the things I could impact- the things I could control and positively contribute towards...and work to let go of the things that I wasn't in control of. I couldn't only fill my Children Box- because I can't define myself only through my children and still be happy... Many days I have to get up and give myself a pep talk into remembering the things that mean the most to me- and remember where it is I want to put my energy...
I didn't lump Autism therapy into my Children box for a reason. Figuring out the boys therapies takes a lot of time and energy...I have to treat it like a job and remind myself to try to lead with my mind- not my emotions. I'm usually pretty regimented and strict with it. I expect a lot from the people that work with Greyson- and from myself... However there are times when I am just a regular old Mom...
I give cookies when I shouldn't... I take them on fun adventures... I change a diaper or give a bath... I make sure to fill their story book with wonder and awe whenever I can. Autism is only a small portion of my Life...a small portion that takes a lot of time- but still a small portion because I have too many other important boxes to fill.
I find it interesting that often people give similar answers for their most cherished boxes...Some mixture of God- Marriage- Children-Work- Exercise-Creativity-Charity...But when you take a moment to open the boxes- some are empty... Maybe you should have a heart to heart with yourself- dish out a little tough Love... Why is your Friends box empty? When was the last time you made a deposit into that box?
Some people's boxes sure are pretty on the outside... but empty on the inside...
Since I moved to the Central Valley of California and become a stay at home Mom- I'm able to put more in more boxes...but doing this exercise has helped me realize where I am falling short... And my first instinct is to excuse it away...which won't help me at all... My Marriage Box and my God box need more time, energy and focus... I'm thinking of ways to fill them now...
Today brought rain and cold weather. I love the rain...
It wasn't really play in the rain kind of rain- it was freezing ass cold pelt you in the face kind of rain... I coaxed Greyson to come outside for a few minutes...
He didn't like his feet touching the cold wet pavement...He tip toe'd and tried to walk between the raindrops...
He preferred to watch from the inside...
Have a great day... Take a minute to think about how you would label your boxes...and then take a look on the inside...
Life with Greyson is on Facebook...
This gave me lots to think about. . . I have empty boxes!