A choice to be present. Good is walking in their shoes. Good can be loud or silent, in the open or anonymous. Good is louder and bigger and better than bad.
People are good.
Good helps us sleep better. Good enriches lives. Good teaches our children. Good teaches us. Good takes the focus off our insides and imperfections, our intense personal scrutiny.

Good wins. Always.
Good never expires. Good creates more good. Good must be done with no need for praise or recognition. Good and good alone must be what fills us up. Let it fill you up.
Good is under rated, under talked about and under shared. Good is highly contagious.
Good is a decision to be kind, first to yourself. Only in doing so can you be the truest of true kind to another. Be good to yourself. Good is free of cost or calories. It will never ever run out.
Good can be sipped slowly or chugged all at once. Good is assuming the best about others. Good is loving everyone. Yes, even the mean people. Quieting our own judgement. Believing and talking about good and huge and tiny important things. The things that are responsible for the very beat of our hearts. Good is going a step further than offering kindness, good is seeing something unkind and speaking up. Good, even tiny little good makes a difference.
Good is not perfect. But Good shows up every day and tries again and again and again.
Some people use the Internet to say what they would never say in person. I assure you in life I am exactly who I am on keyboard. I know because people tell me. And because sometimes I say something and people look shocked, or relieved or they laugh. I am kind in my truths and thoughts on life. When I'm unkind it's usually to myself. I'm working hard at it though. Why is it so hard to be good to ourselves?
Sometimes it's hard for me to explain the rules of the world to Greyson. Mostly because I often don't understand them either. But I never realized I didn't understand them until I tried to explain them.
We don't swim naked in our pool because... It's wrong?
We don't wear slippers in 100 degree weather because...Well, I guess if you're fine with it I'm fine with it little buddy.

Since you have autism, you aren't supposed to line things up, even though it feels good.

But since I don't have autism, I'm allowed to line things up...because it feels good.
Since you have autism you aren't allowed to go ape shit when things don't go your way, or when things get changed around at the last minute...Two things that frequently get me in a tizzy.
We don't jump on the bed because... screw it- jump on the bed.

Some rules are easy to explain, which leads me to believe they are good rules. Don't hit others. Be kind. Be good. Do good things. Maybe this parenting gig isn't as hard as we make it out to be.
This morning Parker had speech.

He likes to feed the frog...Froggie likes Franks too.
And today Greyson went to school. Once a week he attends Typical preschool so he can learn how to interact with other children. It's a skill that is foreign to Greyson.

He practices playing- it doesn't come naturally to him. He also gives high fives so he can touch and interact with the other kids.

I was so proud to see this on the bullentin board at school. Sometimes my eyes start to leak in the craziest of places.

Look what he came home with. He makes me so proud.
Today was trash truck wednesday, and it was a stark and quiet contrast to our last two Wednesdays.

Greyson wouldn't come outside. I know it's only temporary but it made me a little sad. Last week it was too overwhelming for him. There were people everywhere and a camera in his face and he was overwhelmed. Grey needs a few weeks to realize that it is back to just me and him and Frank, like it always was and he will be okay.
I went outside to say hello to my friend, and see things from his perspective too.

And Frank came up to the house to say hello to Grey and get his high five. I can tell by the way Grey responds to Frank- that he likes him. He trusts him. He was happy to see him today, but just couldn't go outside to see the truck.
Frankie shared with me Bible verses from Corinthians and I want to share part with you...
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.
Frank said it reminds him of the love Michael and I have for our boys. That's one of the greatest compliments in the World. Guess what Frank- That was a reading at our wedding too.
I think when we come from a place of happiness everything in the world gets better. The happier we are the more accepting we are of everyone in the world. More happy creates more happy. Good creates more good.
Have a great day.
Life with Greyson + Parker on Facebook
Thanks for reminding me of important things. :)
ReplyDeleteTRUE! Thank you.
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