Wednesday, August 28, 2013


  • The smell of laundry outside through the warm blowing dryer vents
  • rooftop and patio anything
  • asphalt in the summer
  • your emails to me
  • a really good margarita
  • the itch of a summer sunburn
  • Free Speech Therapy for Parker, provided by Early Intervention Services by the State of California
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  • new shoes
  • the buzz and hum of street lights
  • the 1985 St. Louis Cardinals Baseball team...Tommy Herr, Vince Coleman, Ozzie Smith, Jack Clark, Willie McGee. The 5th Grade me thought that was as celebrity as it gets.
  • the way my hair feels the day I finally get it done
  • salty french fries
  • organic baby spinach
  • Doritos eaten in the pantry- which totally don't count
  • white twinkle lights
  • the smell of play doh
  • cool clean sheets
  • new discoveries
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  • rapid fire text conversations that make me laugh out loud
  • slightly stale licorice
  • a full DVR and nothing else to do
  • Trash Truck Wednesdays
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  • ibook ap on my phone
  • meeting a new friend girl and having a friend girl crush 
  • knock me over movie quotes - Like this one from as Good as it Gets...

I might be the only person on the face of the earth that knows you're the greatest woman on earth. I might be the only one who appreciates how amazing you are in every single thing that you do, and how you are with Spencer, "Spence," and in every single thought that you have, and how you say what you mean, and how you almost always mean something that's all about being straight and good. I think most people miss that about you, and I watch them, wondering how they can watch you bring their food, and clear their tables and never get that they just met the greatest woman alive.

  • And everything about THIS SCENE from Love Actually
  • Late lunchtime visits from our dear Friend, Frank. Especially when he is willing to share with Doodle.
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  • Early Evening Family walks to the park
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  • The setting sun and diamonds on the soles of his shoes
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  • Typing on the floor of the bathroom at night while Greyson tries to poo. I'm certain one day I will miss this Life filled with my little tiny humans.
  • And the emails, texts, private messages and comments I got from YOU about today's post. They made me laugh and shake my head yes and smile and feel like I certainly am not alone. Whether you related to the marriage bit or the tired bit or just the fact that this Life gig is hard as heck sometimes. Seriously, what would I do without you? 
  • Every new LIKE on the Life with Greyson + Parker Facebook page.
Tell me, what about you? What makes you happy lately?


  1. Reading this made me happy because it made me realize that I need to remember that even on the worst days, there are still things that make me happy. Sometimes they are really small things, but they were still there if I choose to refocus and look for them.

  2. Today, on the 9th day of school, it was hearing my sons speech therapist tell me about her first interaction with my sweet, beautiful and loving autistic son on his first day of school. She spoke of how she saw my sons infectious smile and the twinkle in his eye and she just KNEW that an amazing little guy was in there and that we just needed to find a way to get to him. It made my Mama heart swell to hear these words. To know that she truly saw HIM.

  3. My sister, the smell of Comet cleaner, when I come home from work and the kids go nuts with happiness, a story that makes me laugh even days later, when things go right, looking at family photos, and Parker's smile.

  4. The thing I'm loving most is that Parker Doodle has started enjoying Trash truck Wednesday now too :)

  5. Amen to the full dvr and nothing to do! One of my happiest days is when I come home from work on Friday and I get to watch the entire episode of Project Runway with no interuptions! Heaven!

  6. What makes me happy...... first and always.. having my kids close , safe, and healthy. Recently, hearing my six year old tell me he loves writing in school, and that he loves his teacher! Also this week, hearing the preschoolers I work with say "I love this place" in regards to preschool. :)

  7. Little giggles, dimples that are shown when my son is being good and really bad. My daughters sweet little voice explaining to her friends about autism....and how it is hard to explain. But she smiles, and she will get there. Snuggles before bed. Bedtime prayers...and he includes his therapists! Sunshine. Unconditional love. REALLY good days that I have energy. And my favorite moments are getting the kids from school, having my hubby walk in the door after work, (ya sometimes just because I need a break) and I so much loo forward to reading your posts.

  8. Your posts are wait I wait for each day! XOXOXO Your doing awesome!!

  9. 2012 was a rough year for us: an ASD diagnosis, school switches, all-time high anxiety for our little guy.... you know, right? I was at an all-time low and started seeing a therapist. One of the best tools she introduced me to was my "grateful" list. Every night, or every couple of nights, or whenever I felt the urge, I'd sit down and write one or two things for which I was grateful. I now have pages and pages and your list reminded me to pull that book back out, now that things are going more smoothly, and to keep adding to the list. A new one: I'm grateful for blogging moms who are going through some of the same things I am, and for their abilities with words, to put things eloquently or concisely or to have me almost peeing in my pants with laughter. Thank you!

  10. Reading your blogs.. they honestly put a smile on my face every time! Love them and you! Thanks for sharing.

  11. My little foster Pomeranian who is having challenging times right now and making my heart melt with every success and every setback equally

  12. Great post,friend.
    My happy:feeling connected, gotten, understood - wherever that comes; brave truthtellers, the right balance of creamer in my coffee (blissful), mornings snuggits with my 4yo, a husband who lets me hop on a plane for a long weekend with a friend in need, pants that aren't as tight as I remembered, carmel cinnamon donuts from the BEST Amish bakery,fuzzy socks, your posts, watching my son & sister play, texts from my niece at college.
    Thanks for the excuse to explore my happy - this exercise made me happy :)
    Love & hapiness to you, sweet momma. Jennifer

  13. This. Coming here and not feeling so completely alone. This makes me happy.

  14. The question, "What makes you happy?" brought tears to my eyes. It is not that I do not have things to be happy about, I do! I have a zillion things big and small that make me happy. I guess I just haven't felt like anyone (including myself) was interested in my happiness. Wow, if I'm not interested in my happiness then who will be? So THANK YOU for the reminder. I'm going to make time after work (and everything else I do at home with 2 boys) to weed the garden, because THAT makes me happy. xxoo Robin

  15. What makes me happy: Finishing a long, hard run; 5 minutes to change my clothes in peace after work; photos like your that capture kids looking like angels!

  16. Thank you for sharing yours and asking the question - such a simple question yet a big one!
    I'm going to think about this - I don't know if I will make it back here to write it out but I'm going to hold
    that question in the back of my mind as I go through my day.
    Thank you for the gift of your photos and writing.

    P.S. I loved that movie.

  17. my family. coffee ice cream. hunting for sea glass. the smell of fresh cut grass. flip flops. all things vintage. my friends. sushi. breakfast for dinner. line dried sheets. farmers markets. sunrises. new, sharpened pencils. xoxoxo

  18. I love your list and it inspires me to make my own, or at least notice those little things more each day. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the movie "Love Actually," so thanks for sharing that clip. I think I will put watching it again on my to-do list for the long weekend! I hope you and the fam have a great weekend.

  19. I haven't started speech sessions yet and have been stuck in a boring hell of scheduling and paperwork for the past two weeks. Today my happy was hearing one of my AU kiddos in the classroom next door SINGING HIS HEART OUT to a days of the week hip hop song. And his best bud in the class yelling, "STOP SINGING!" the whole time! Speech starts Tuesday and I am excited!

  20. I LOVE Willie McGee. My dad was a HUGE SF Giants fan and Willie played for them for a couple of years when I was about 13 years old. My sister and I loved the time we spent watching games with my dad and he always came up with silly ways to say the players names. He used to say "Willie McGee" in this really fast, high pitched voice. Our fat, lazy, female cat (who we cleverly named Jennifer) would come running every time. She became known as Willie McGee from 1991 until she passed away many years later. Thanks for bringing back a special memory.
