Sunday, October 12, 2014

sunday blues

I'm trying my best to make nice with Monday already. Eating extra cookies to take off the edge. Taking deep breaths and letting go of the weekend.  Two songs I'm listening to- to chase the Sunday blues away- GUARANTEED to cause an increase in happy:

This one makes me cry. But sometimes crying makes me happy. I love Prince the best, but I love covers of the song too.

And this one just makes me full on happy. I used to have his 8-track. (Stick that in your Google youngins).

Was in the spring
And spring became the summer
Who'd have believed you'd come along.

Hands, touchin' hands
Reachin' out, touchin' me, touchin' you


Here are some pictures from the weekend...

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Water: His favorite place on earth

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We did lots of baking.

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I keep my pictures organized by month and year. As I was uploading to October 2014, I saw the files for October 2013 and 2012 sitting there so I opened them up. I saw old pictures of the boys from the pumpkin patch we went to today. Looking at the past makes my heart ache. As tight as we hold on time goes by so fast.

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And today...

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Parker finally loved riding some rides.

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Until he didn't. Is it crazy that I'm happy he's still young enough to be scared of the rides?

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The faster the rowdier the better for Grey.

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Parker was happiest watching.

Even if Monday lasts forever, one day we may look back at it longingly. Maybe things won't go as we planned but that isn't always a bad thing.  Did you know Coca-Cola, one of the world’s most famous brand names, was originally invented as an alternative to morphine addiction, and to treat headaches and relieve anxiety? And Viagra was originally conceived as a treatment for hypertension, angina, and other symptoms of heart disease. But Phase I clinical trials revealed that while the drug wasn’t great at treating what it was supposed to treat, male test subjects were experiencing a rather unexpected side effect. 

Keep that in mind the next time you things don't look like you expected. There may be something greater up ahead.

Much Love,


  1. OMG OMG OMG! I absolutely LOVE the 2012 picture of Parker with the pumpkin. The look of joy and wonder in his eyes is fantastic!

  2. I totally agree about Parker's eyes in the pumpkin picture. Amazing!

    I wish that you would put a link with all your favorite songs in one spot on your blog. Then, when I am in need of a song to match my mood, I could access them faster than trying to search your blog. Which inevitably just leads to me reading posts from a long time ago when I need to be doing something else.

    I need your happy songs tonight because I am not feeling it. Kids are not going to bed and just crying for me. To sit downstairs while small people wail for you is torture. Even if you know they are just playing you like a fiddle.

  3. Maureen (from Chicago)October 14, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    Love this! And I love the artful bubble camouflage in the bath - well done. :)

  4. Oh my goodness, Neil Diamond is my all time favorite. I've been to two concerts back when I was in high school. My friends mom used to play his music loud while she was cleaning, that's where I first heard it. Watched his movie at her house too. Great choice of song!
