Sounds like a plan. And sandwiched in the hard middle, sometimes it's good to talk to time then. This feels like forever, but I know I will make it to the other side of this. You just go at your pace, time.
I think I'm finally a grown up. I went to Costco by myself for the first time ever this week. I even acted like I knew what I was doing. I found a couple of things that I didn't mind paying $5 more for 4 times as much. Like coffee. Yes please. A humongo bag of tortilla chips or jar of pickles? No thank you.
But maybe I'm not a grown up, because sometimes after I burp I say, "Q me." and laugh much too hard, every time. Because Parker does that- he thinks "excuse me" is "q me", and I think it's HILARIOUS every time.
Michael travels frequently for work. It's starting to give Greyson a ton of anxiety because he doesn't know when Dad will be home or gone suddenly. And now when Michael is home- Grey follows him and doesn't like for him to leave. He wants him to take him to school and pick him up. When I go to pick him up from school- which is 90% of the time, he stops moving towards the parking lot when he sees it is me. "DAD!!!" "DAD!" He yells out, so mad that it's my face he sees. Which I'm starting to TAKE PERSONALLY. OH I'M SORRY-Dad did not CARRY YOU IN HIS WOMB FOR 9 MONTHS. Dad doesn't even have a womb!!! And I do!!! How cool am I? And Dad NEVER had heartburn so bad it practically burned his face off --for you. And dad did not breast feed you FOR A YEAR. And when you get the flu and are throwing up chunks of hot dog and freaking out- Dad freaks out too, while I am catching your hot dog puke in my hands and calmly steering you towards the bathroom. But WHATEVER. Sorry, it's me. I'm taking you home today.
Today we are going to a craft store to put together a week schedule so he will better know what to expect from life. The unexpected gives me anxiety too, so I get it.
Last night my two bitty boys and I had a wild and crazy night.

Sometimes I don't know where the sun ends and he begins.

Any time Parker sees anyone in the shower, he assumes he is invited too. In fact, he will strip down and jump in the shower all on his own if I'm not fast enough to catch him.

Grey is the opposite. He hates the water on his face.

And since he gets ice cream when he poops, he tries to poop ALL THE TIME. Even when there is no poop in there at all. And if he plops out a millimeter sized nugget he announces, "Parker went poo on the potty! Now you get ice cream! Good job."

Grey's favorite thing ever. Next to dad.

Parker's dinner. PEEEETE-ZAHHH!

Parker is obsessed with cooking. Any time I'm in the kitchen he comes to "help". He will try (and sometimes succeed) in throwing his own special ingredients into the pot. You know- like a hot dog in your oatmeal or something creative like that.

And he gets PISSED when I don't let him have any fun- you know,like using a big knife to chop up vegetables.

Grey loves our playroom. I'll have to take some pictures of it during the daylight.
I can't WAIT to hang this.

I made this using photoshop and then had it printed BIG at Costco- which is how I found myself there alone on a Thursday night.

Here is an electronic version if you want to print it too. I think you can right click and save it- but if that doesn't work- don't ask me. I'm not an expert on that stuff. Please note: It is NEVER ever ever too late to dream big. Or even little. Something is better than nothing at all.
Off to go enjoy our Saturday. (And time- you can go slow all day today.)
Such a beautiful, happy, uplifting post. I really enjoyed reading it. Gorgeous kids (and house)! Have a fabulous weekend!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes! You are so right about time! And I love the schedule you made for Greyson! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteThis rings so true for me too! Thank you for such a beautiful post!
ReplyDeleteSo sweet! My little one also jumps in the shower too!