Makes you want to put on your bikini and run around....Yep, that's yours truly
The lingering daylight is like your favorite bag of chips...But 20% Bigger-- for FREE.
Longer evenings mean more family walks, more outside time....I hear the familiar and faint hum of street lights and the faint but nostalgic smell of asphalt and I'm practically 8 years old...playing outside in St. Louis....catching fireflys and putting them in a jar and thinking I had everything any 8-year old girl could ever want... When did I start to need stuff to be happy? I want to go back for just a minute and feel that kind of innocent contentment.
At the beginning of Spring, each warm and sunny day feels like an absolute gift straight from Neiman Marcus ...Heaven...
People are nicer. Ice cream is creamier. Coffee is more caffeinated.
Today, I could either get Greyson to preschool on time, or I could get Starbucks and be 6 minutes late....guess what I chose?
That's OK...Grey's school didn't mind. If you live in Fresno and need an awesome preschool for your Bitty, contact these guys.
Even the regular old park is polished and different and new.
I love this 2U student! Even more so because her Mom lets me ask her awesome questions like, "If you HAD to be one of the girls from Sex and the City- who would you be, Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte or Samantha? Her answer? "Purple". Brillant. 2 year olds say the awesomest things.
Have a wonderful weekend, friend. I hope you can experience some rebirth of your own. Do something you have been putting off....start a new hobby. Maybe you should start a little baby blog of your very own! It's a great way to chronical your life and keep a diary without having to locate a pen.
I need your help, friend. Autism statistics are on the rise. 1 in 88 children are affected by this gross epidemic. Please keep sharing my words. You never know who may need to find them.
There are possibly friends of yours on Facebook that are affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder and you may not even know. No one should have to face this journey alone.
Much Love,
Great post! Great song!