But I was giving 100% of that 72%, so I'm happy with it.
I think people should be much easier on themselves
Unless they are mean...I think mean people should be a little harder on themselves
I think people should put their phone away when they are checking out somewhere
I think a chocolate chip cookie is a good ending to every meal
I don't think people should be allowed to blame their present on the past...

There's a reason why they share the same name
There's lots of rules on what makes a good picture...Sharp focused eyes...composition...rule of thirds...some of them I know...some I've yet to learn... When I go through- what often amounts to 100 pictures I took during the day- I have one rule, and one rule only for the keepers...
Does it make me feel something when I look at it?

And that's what it comes down to for me.
This morning Michael was packing to go out of town...and I looked at his suitcase longingly and said, You are so lucky you get to have alone time tonight... and he laughed and said, You are so lucky that you get to spend tonight with the kids.... which then made us both laugh because I'm pretty sure that one night of this insanity would do him in...But it's funny how sometimes the thought of something sounds so much better and sugar coated in our head- than the reality of it would actually be... Because the truth of the matter is- I would rather be home in the midst of this chaos- than traveling for work... any day of the year.
Today I had to wake Greyson for his 3:15-5:30 ABA Therapy session, which always breaks my heart.

When all I really wanted to do was crawl in next to him.

When Michael is out of town, the bewitching hour starts at around 5:30...the same time that Greyson finishes with ABA. I knew my best bet to survive the evening was to get out of the house.
We had a picnic dinner at the park...

Greyson was so excited to feed the ducks. When he saw them from the car window he told me, I won duhhhh.

Let's hope these ducks are not on a gluten free diet...cuz we gave them lots of bread.

I also let him run....We found a big empty field and I just let him go...like his Momma, he loves to run...That's where he gets it out too. It's so amazing to see your child do something- that feels like just like you...

All day people are telling him what to do and how to do it...so sometimes I just totally let him be the him he is right now...and it makes us both feel good.

And this evening God must have been trying out some new paints... The sky went from beautiful to vibrant in minutes...

Cotton Candy Sky...

Well done, God...Well done.
Rocking Greyson to sleep this evening, I wanted to sing him a song...but I don't really know any kid songs...that I like...except for You are my Sunshine- and we are both bored with that...and since we were looking at the stars projected on the ceiling in his room... I started to sing...Hoping it was in a nursery rhymey like melody and tempo...
You must be my lucky star...cuz you shine on me wherever you are....I just think of you and I start to glow...and I need your light and baby you know...Star Light, star bright, first star I see tonight...star light...star bright....yeah...
And he must have been OK with it- because usually when I sing he tells me- Nooooo...And tonight he didn't... And I'm pretty sure I'm the only Mom singing Madonna instead of nursery rhymes to her child...but if I'm not...please let me know.
The fact that you come here to hear our story...makes me so happy...
Have a great day.
The fact that you come here to hear our story...makes me so happy...
Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteHi Chrissy! I've been reading your blog for a while, starting from the first post. I also sing "weird songs" to my daughter, such as Maroon5 and Bruno Mars, adjusting the rhytm and tone. It's nice to know I'm not alone!!