The beautiful long weekend is over. Mentally gearing up for the day that comes around once every 7, called Monday.
We went to an awesome Carnival themed 1st Birthday party over the weekend. We all had so much fun.

The closest I could get to putting the mustache on him.

I've never seen Greyson have this reaction...over a sweets table. I agree. Awesome.
Don't worry, I always make sure to bring Greyson- friendly goodies to birthday parties so he can partake when the rest of the kids do- since Grey can't have Gluten/Dairy or Soy. (The 1st time we went to a party after Grey started this diet I didn't think to bring him anything and remembering that pain in his eyes helps me remember!)

I was so touched when I saw Life With Greyson stickers as part of the awesome Goodie Bags...Thank you Dusty! That was so amazing!

Both boys had so much fun.

On Saturday Grey put his pants on-all on his own... 2 legs into one hole. It was like a mini-skirt with a tail. And he was so happy. I had to chase him around to fix it.

He also found my {not so secret I guess} stash of chocolate, for the 2nd time. I found him in the kitchen, wearing a chocolate goatee and licking a Hershey candy bar like it was his job.

I am realizing that one thing that completely removes the sparkle from my eye is pain....ouch.
Emotional pain makes me write better...physical pain makes me a big pile of poo.
Remember a few Mondays ago I woke up with a kink in my neck? It went away after a few days...and then came back a few days later...and has been with me ever since...

My wild and crazy Saturday night...
Today is day 10 with this asshole knot (I named Ted), deep within the tissue of my shoulder/neck...He gives me a headache...He makes me not want to write or play or laugh or run. And each deep breath and hard turn to the left gives a friendly reminder of his presence. It's amazing the energy it hurt...and I wish I had magic potion words to motivate myself and you through tough physical times...but I don't. I just have to dig in deep and find a way to keep doing...
Today I was sick of feeling bad about it. Tired of ice and heat and all this focus on Ted.
I skipped running for a couple of days, thinking that might make Ted luck... And running is how I
So today I went on a run...and I remembered what I needed to do. I need to act as if...
Act as if I feel like myself. Act as if I feel fantastic. I even went so far as to shower AND blow dry my hair, AND put on makeup...all in one day. It's a sad day when your husband asks, Who are you going on a date with?- when he sees you getting cleaned up. So looking good always helps me feel better. I searched deep into my bag of feel good tricks to think of what else I could do to act as if...
And I remembered that seeing Greyson and Parker enjoying themselves really makes me happy.

We played out front because that makes both of my bitties happy. Grey can finally ride his tricycle! We don't take any kind of learning for granted over here. We still need to work on steering, but we finally have the pedaling down.

While Michael was helping Grey, and I was taking pictures, Parker cheered on and ate dirt- yes, seriously.
I also knew that buying Grey a bouquet of balloons to play with would make him so happy!
I was wrong. For the 1st time in- oh- forever...he had absolutely no interest.

Act as if.
Today we also worked a little doing ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis). It's Grey's Autism therapy. In short- it's how he learns and it involves a TON of repetition and meticulous data keeping. We've been off of ABA for the week- so when we go more than 3 days- I work with Grey a little so he doesn't regress or forget what he was learning.

We worked on Expressive Colors, Social Questions, Attending (looking when I call his name) and following 2-step directions.

Hopefully it will help make the transition to Monday not so bad.
I'm always surprised at the power of words. Last Friday's post contained some words about Greyson's favorite Gluten/Dairy/Soy free Chocolate chip cookies. I posted it late Thursday night and by Friday morning I already had an email from the cookie company asking me if I would be willing to review the other flavors of the same line of cookies. I couldn't believe it! I thought- sure- why not- just eat some free cookies and tell you what I think? ME WANT COOKIES!! I already know that we all LOVE every single crunchy and fresh baked cookie they make (except Lemon). Then I realized that I had to review them on this blog. Hats off to Enjoy Life. I actually think that's really smart grass roots marketing (and fast research on their part) and I would do exactly the same thing in their shoes. I find no fault in what they did at all.
Something about it felt unsettling to me though. I really value YOU- friend that comes here and reads these words...and If I wrote about the cookies just because I got 'em for free and then made you read it- I kind of felt like I was pimping you out. And writing about cookies isn't really changing the way anyone views Autism... I know I have a tendency to over think...but that is what was going on inside my head. I decided I wasn't gonna do it.
However, if any plastic surgeon wants me to write a post about fixing saggy boobs after 2 kids I will pimp each and every one of you out in a heart beat!!!
Have a great day! Thank you for reading. I'd love to hear from you too! Send me an email at

I've had neck pain for a few years so I know what it's like. Might I recommend you find a good deep tissue massage therapist and get a massage? It really does help! And I'd love to see Ted tell you good bye!
ReplyDeleteChrissy have you gone to a Chiropractor? A Chiropractor could show you a traction method for your neck. I have a wonderful Chiropractor in Modesto...want to come for visit??? LOL
ReplyDeleteMy Matthew eats dirt too and dog food and leaves and dead bugs and anything else! What's up with these boys? :)