I wash my hands- and dry them on my butt...
I get some kind of kid-like funk on my hands? No problem- I wipe them on my butt.
Parker spit up on Michael's arm on the plane the other day...We had no wipes easily available...I told him- It's OK- wipe it on my pants- I don't care...And he looked at me like I was crazy...
Going out with my pants dirty doesn't bother me in the slightest. I've come to realization that people are not looking at my dirty pants and judging me...If they are a Mom, they are too busy being worried that I am looking at their dirty pants or stained shirt and judging them...and I still find it funny that Michael constantly gives me reports on how dirty my pants are. Do you know you have weird green stuff/
poop?- chocolate?/noodles/feathers stuck on your pants?...and I laugh and say- Yes, that's OK...I don't care...
I am a stay at home Mom with a 1 and 3 year old...Aren't I supposed to be littered with something? I think it's allowed.
I mean- you wouldn't keep telling a baker they had flour on their apron- would you?
Today was better than yesterday but don't get too excited friend- there were no dancing leprechauns or bottle genies. I realized I need a vacation from my vacation when I screamed at Greyson for screaming...and smacked him on the hand for slapping me- which made me feel like a total heal afterwards... ( I still get a little hurt or angry when he hits me- but I try to remind myself - since he can not verbalize- he sometimes uses his hands to "speak")
Not being able to talk with your mouth must be outrageously frustrating - especially when everyone else does it effortlessly around you- and it's my job to continue to teach him more appropriate behaviors and most importantly --remain calm and patient...I have to tell myself- you are the adult....Tonight I failed at the calm and patient thing. The appropriate behavior therapy response is to block and completely ignore the hit- offer him no positive or negative reinforcement for it...some Behaviorists say, nice hands or quiet hands- which I don't love..because hands don't have volume- and if I find that confusing- than so will he...
As I start this post there are 50 minutes and 28 seconds until I can put Parker to bed...and then 52 minutes after that I can put Grey down and you and I can finish our chat...As I talk to you right now- both kids are eating dinner which includes Fritos- which everyone knows isn't an appropriate dinner side- because even their own commercial said muncha buncha muncha buncha Fritos goes with lunch... and I have Parker's highchair moved so he is plugged into the TV....Yes, one of those nights...I am a breathing example of how NOT to parent...(Did I mention the night we landed Michael had to leave to drive to LA for the week?)

My options to preserve the small amount of sanity I currently have at this moment is writing to declutter my brain- or to go to the local Great Clips and shave my head bald, ala Britney.
I think I chose the right option.
Tonight I fought battles until the very last moment...The final one?
No you can not wear your shoes to bed....{Cue piercing screaming}...
But now the day is over, and I am alone.... {happy happy sigh}. And now I can't get off the couch..It just sucked me right into my comfortable corner...so here I twitch and type...
Where were we? Oh yes, St. Louis... My sister's wedding....

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Katie Knox (and proud Dog Dante!)

My sister friends, Katie and Lisa.
It's funny to me how very different each one of our weddings were-but all beautiful, fun, and full of love.
Katie's wedding was magical...There were bales of hay to sit on, roosters crowing, dogs running free, babies in swings and lots and lots of love.

My sister Katie is by far the laid back one out of the 3 of us girls...Katie's totally country backyard wedding showed that all you really need is a Bride and Groom- somewhere pretty, friends, and a judge/Priest/Minister, some flowers, cake, music, food and booze...
Wedding planning can get a little crazy. And so often people focus so much more on the wedding than the marriage...
I wish I had taken a gajillion more pictures- but I was busy being in a wedding....chasing Grey through open fields, trying to juggle a napless Parker, drink wine, dance...and giving a toast...
In my toast I mentioned that some people's marriages were like a Jaguar- pretty on the outside and full of bells and whistles- but mostly just for show... But their marriage would be like a Ford F150...Strong and reliable...Built to last --and the best part is they can customize it in a way that feels like them...And as the people that love them the most- if ever need be- we can be their mechanic or tow truck whenever they need help.
Because marriage is like raising a baby...blissful and tough..boring and exciting...And sometimes it does take a village...and that's part of the reason I love you so much---those of you that read and reach out to me- and those of you that read silently in Communion... We are both part of this village together...Howdy neighbor...
Weddings are emotional...and like the birth of a baby... one of those things that brings people together and helps you remember what is important to you in Life...Why is that stuff so easy to forget?

And him...
And her...

My Neice and Grey and Parker's newest cousin, Maggie! (And her brothers Levi and Tristin-) Look at those EYES!!!
And they lived happily ever after...But not the end...Not even close...

More St. Louis to come...
Only 8 more hours until coffee...
Big I love you man hugs,
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