Friday, January 18, 2013

multi task

In the United States an Individualized Education Program, commonly referred to as an IEP, is mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  Kids with developmental delays, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, ADHD and other conditions warrant an IEP in the public school system. The IEP ensures that every child that learns differently is taught differently in a way that makes sense for that child alone.. Each child has different Super Powers so there is no one size fits all way to teach them... Everything is broken down into goals and the goals are broken down further into tasks... smaller little baby steps... One of Grey's tasks that I requested be written into his IEP was to work on greeting me when I pick him up from school. 

Do you know that moment where your sweet little 3 year old's eyes meet yours and their face breaks into instant wide grin... Mom... They call out, rush to you and wrap their arms around your legs like they finally found home.

I don't. 

But Friend- I can't tell you how much I want to... 

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And so we work to recreate Typical... And usually I am excited and proud and happy to work on stuff with Grey... But sometimes I think- this is weird...I should just let him be him... The him that averts eye contact and hellos...

Now his Teacher still has to say- Greyson, tell your Mom hi- sometimes a few times...and sometimes he will say hello as he looks at the sidewalk... Baby steps...

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After Parker goes to bed, Greyson and I watch TV and I start to work on this blog. I upload and edit pictures and gather random notes or thoughts I jotted down during the day- if I had some... After Greyson goes to bed,  Michael and I watch TV while I finish writing...frequently texting, reading from numerous windows open on my computer... all usually while eating dinner...

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With adulthood comes the necessary ability to multitask. Mommy hood kicks that ability up a few trillion notches... It's a method of survival...

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Parker can drink juice, play and drive...all at the same time...

But I've gotten so used to doing so many things at once---that I've mostly forgotten how to do just one thing at a to single task...I've forgotten how to give one thing all my energy and all my focus...look people in their eyes... keep my phone in my purse... We have all these things that pull at us...really incredibly- often not important at all --things that keep us from marinating in the right now...

This weekend I will spend some time only doing one thing at a time... No - not for forever and not even for the whole weekend... But I will make real efforts... I will I will forget my phone at home... I will taste the food...I will hear the words to the song...I will memorize my surroundings...look people in the eye and pay attention... Read one thing at a time...without the TV on while I'm texting... 

(This is truly worthy of a read if you have a kid with Super Powers...thanks for sharing Melanie!)

Have a great weekend...


Find Life with Greyson + Parker on Facebook

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