Tuesday, February 12, 2013

the time is now

It's never too late to...

Take more pictures
Say I love you
I'm really sorry

Get some balls
Fall in love
Start working out
Have a good childhood...now
Take a risk

Be a good Friend
Change your routine

Google tells me what key words helped people find my blog... When I see someone Googleing lining things up and finding me...well, it makes me feel sad... If you found this blog from Googleing delayed speech, little eye contact, lining up cars, turns head sideways to look at things, won't walk on grass, frequently tantrums, doesn't seem to hear you call their name... I promise- you will find your way. I guarantee it... You will make the right choices....and even some wrong ones- but it's OK...it's all part of the deal... You don't have to solve the World today- take baby steps... Although you are sailing uncharted waters- there are people around you that want to help you...

The realization that Greyson was Autistic came before his diagnosis- and it is the most terrifying thing that's ever happened to me. I completely lost that feeling of -You are going to be OK. It vanished and in its place was complete devastation... like Yoda says- I am still trying to unlearn what I learned about being a parent...creating a new World based on what I know now.

There are days that I still feel sad...moments I feel devastated...times I doubt myself and my choices... Times I don't want to do this... But I have more often than not, found a peace inside with Grey (just Grey...24 hours at a time, Friend...)

If you are just starting out on your Autism Journey portion of your Life- I am so sorry... You will get to a place of peace... It's the hardest scariest part- the beginning. They should hand out free parting gifts with the diagnosis so it doesn't feel so horrible.... I'm sorry- your son does fit the diagnostic criteria for an autism spectrum disorder...but we'd also like to give you a years worth of facials at The Spectrum Spa...

If you are just starting out in a Life containing Autism... You will still laugh- I promise...

Over the weekend we went to a Magical place called Professor Toy...

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Toys from floor to ceiling...

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Parker Doodle filled up his cart with loot...

Isn't this the funniest thing ever? 

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I was waiting and waiting for Grey to find a toy he liked... I told him to pick anything he wanted... He played with their train table- but other than that- didn't seem to want anything...

Until his eyes landed on this guy...

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And after he saw this- he couldn't be swayed with a thing... we tried...

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This made for an interesting ride home...

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And now it's his new favorite thing...he takes it with him every room he goes in... 

Grey- you make me laugh...

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Today was a school Holiday... Greyson had a couple of hours of ABA in the morning- and the rest of the day we got to be regular old kids and Mom...

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Tonight my steam release was a yoga class... Lately- I've been trying not to sweat the big things... It isn't always easy, but strong is a choice...

I haven't done yoga since I got pregnant with Parker... I can't believe the difference a kid makes... Like an old house- I could actually hear my floors creaking... 

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I already feel sore, stretched out and happy...giddy from a  welcomed break in my routine...
If anyone wants to join me next Monday evening- let me know...

Life With Greyson + Parker is on Facebook, Friend...Stop by and say hello...

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was in CA - I would totally join you for Monday night yoga. I love that Grey picked the pink dollhouse. So cute. Hope you had a great Tuesday!
