Thursday, August 9, 2012

Just Wish

Cliche's are supposed to be avoided at all costs when writing...
I usually stay away from them, but sometimes I'll let one or two sneak in here and there...
Just because they are a cliche doesn't mean it isn't true...

However one cliche I don't care for much for at all...

Be careful what you wish for...

I say throw caution to the wind and just wish...

Wish, Hope, Daydream and Believe...

Whatever the hell you want...
Whenever you want...

And if need be...change your wishes as life comes along...

Because people change...and that means sometimes wishes do too.

I think I love my alone time at night almost as much as I love Mom'ing. All are in bed...and there's me...the girl I was before I had kids...the calm, quiet one on the computer...not yelling any odd things like, I said no licking the electrical socket...

I'm sorry I judged you, stay at home Moms...before I became one...I thought your life must be one-dimensional...I thought you would have nothing fun to talk about at parties...I thought the fact that you gave up your career and college degree to change diapers...was kind of lame... I was wrong...

I'm sorry I judged you, Stay at Home Mom with a House Keeper...I thought if you were a stay at home Mom- that meant you had loads of time to you could just place the children in a room and then clean the entire house in silence...I didn't realize that if you do get a moment of silence- the last thing you would feel like doing is whip out the toilet brush and go to town on those hard mineral stains...

I'm sorry I judged you- Mom letting your kid have cake at Starbucks at 8:30 in the morning...maybe you have actually been up since 5:30am, so this really isn't breakfast-it's just a snack...and maybe it is breakfast- but who really cares...cake contains eggs...eggs are breakfast food. Well done you- Mom...I call that Buying Silence...and Silence really is golden...(see...a cliche... I just threw that in to see if you were paying attention...)

Late this afternoon on the way home from a quick and impromptu trip for car pulled itself over to a park down the street from our house...the last time we went to this park was in June. Greyson absolutely hated it. He screamed while I made him touch the water...the whole time...and I tried and I tried to get him to love it...but he didn't...and we both left frustrated.

But today I decided to give it another shot... So armed with hope...we parked and went in...and I made a wish that this time he would have fun...

He slowly warmed up to first keeping a safe distance...

Parker dove right in...

I'm sorry I judged you...Mom at a water place with a kid in nothing but in a swollen diaper...maybe you decided to go at the last second and didn't let a silly thing like no swim suit stop you...

And before I knew it...he was just going for it...enjoying the water with every ounce of his soul...

I'm sorry I judged you, Mom with the age-inappropriate, ridiculously short jean shorts in public...maybe you thought you were only going to the coffee drive through and didn't think anyone else would see you- or that a friend would be there to help document life...


The swollen diaper couldn't go the distance unfortunately...I tried to keep things covered as to not alarm the little ladies...

And they inspire me...and they make me want to be a kid again...and although I was sopping wet and the only Mom in the water...I played too...



And I felt Joy...Real, true, authentic, I didn't care that my clothes and hair were soaking wet...and that water was pelting me in the face...because I was just a kid...and us kids don't care about that kind of silly stuff.

Notice the air Greyson is getting in this shot...

Sorry I judged you- older guy I thought was all alone at the kid park and making weird noises in the water next to me...


I didn't realize you are the grandpa of some bitties there...and you were making them laugh out loud with your silliness...and when I realized that- you went from creepy... to seconds...

And maybe it was just a coincidence...but when I was leaving at least 3 of the Moms that had been sitting on the sidelines- joined their kids in the water too...And that made me so happy.
They are only little once...and someday they might find something like me playing in the water with them- embarrassing...So I'm gonna take advantage of these moments now...

Life with Greyson + Parker made it to 200 Members today...I am overjoyed...200 of you Friends are helping us change the World...I'm writing to raise Awareness for Autism...for my son, Greyson...and for any kid who may be called Different...Please help me to continue to share these words with the World! Post a link on your Facebook or text a link to your friends...Tell 'em you are helping out your friend, Greyson...a little boy who captured your heart.

Thank you for reading!!!

I wish every day could feel like today....

What do you wish?


  1. I'm sorry I judged you, Mom who sits at the water park in an itty bitty bikini trying to get a tan in a sports watching folding chair while texting away as your child steals every toy out of my sweet defenseless baby's hands. Oh wait. I'm not sorry.

    I actually thought of one! :) Wish we were there with you! I can't tell you how many times I have been in your shoes today... me soaked from head to toe and loving every second with two naked, or almost naked babies. The things we do with kids that we actually LOVE!

  2. I'm sorry I judged you mom who emails the whole time your kids are playing. I didn't know you are a working mom who took the afternoon off to hang with your tots. You juggle it all while carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

  3. All so true! There is no explaining motherhood until you actually experience it!
